The task of running a design company brings many challenges. Recently I have run into the problem of working with a client through a project, and with the best intentions jumping around a little on the process. Although we have created a solid base with content discovery, site map and wireframe documentation we moved ahead with interface design prior to any sign off.
It is often with the best intentions that we get into troubled water. While on a call recently it occurred to me that being complaisant and agreeable with a client during a process causes huge issues later on.
So what exactly do I mean by that?
While running a small business we wear many different “hats,” and while switching hats we do not remove the hat entirely from our head. So when you are speaking with a client about scope creep of their project that they have caused and the impact that is making to the entire project you can’t have any part of your design hat on. A designer wants to get the interface completed and have fun doing. They typically just to appease the client and make them feel like everything is going ok, whereas a Project Manager would point out the dangers of the scope creep and come up with a solution that the client agrees with.
The business of design is a tricky road and it must be expertly balanced to have successful projects from beginning to end. Make sure that you choose the correct hat to wear at the appropriate time during the project timeline.