Mind the GAP

All of the twitters are dying down surrounding the updated logo release for GAP. (www.gap.com) Oh the outrage of it all. Everyone is saying that GAP learned a valuable lesson on crowd sourcing and they should have listened to their faithful brand followers.

10 fonts to start your design career

There are so many typefaces out there today. More than I can conceive. And the reality is that most of these typefaces are either bad knockoffs of well established typefaces, or poorly created typefaces by amateur designers or self proclaimed type designers.

The world of typography truly is a hard place to navigate. And its getting worse, not better.

Advocates for Youth

Advocates for Youth is a nonprofit organization and advocacy group based in Washington, D.C., USA, dedicated to sexuality education, the prevention of HIV and of sexually transmitted disease, teenage pregnancy prevention, youth access to condoms and contraception (including emergency contraception), equality for LGBT youth, and youth participation. Counterspace was charged with creating an updated interface […]


Taking a project from start to finish…from a distance < ComputerTel is a telecommunications specialist focusing on solutions for call recording, employee appraisal software, speech analytics, call handling and performance management solutions. ComputerTel is based just outside of London, England and we are in New York, so we worked together via telephone and Skype for […]