Designing and developing under time constraints
This UK Photographer needed a site that would showcase her photographs with the goal of growing her business. She gave us creative control of the site and trusted us to make quality decisions with her best interest in mind. This project had a low budget but still needed to contain high level functionality such as featuring multiple galleries, password protected galleries, a purchasing element and a booking feature, and of course, a quality design. We wanted the site to be a true reflection of this photographer- modern, edgy and beautiful.
Our solution was to utilize a WordPress template- something we do not often do, but we wanted to find a solution to this project and this allowed us to deliver a high quality site within the budgetary restrictions. We researched various templates and narrowed it down to about 3 for the client to choose from. Once we had a template it was time to start customizing the template to suit Perfectly Pink. This particular backend was more complicated than most WordPress sites so we trained the client one feature at a time during the content loading stage of the build. This approach allowed her to get familiar with the CMS while also populating the site to get it ready for launch. By the time we launched, she had a good handle on how to manage the site herself. This also helped keep budget down because the client was doing the bulk of the content loading.
While creating the site, we took a photograph that the client had been using as a logo. It was a picture of a pink flower that she had become to be recognized by. We took that flower and used it for inspiration to create the new PerfectlyPink logo that is seen on the site today. When you look closely, you will see the representation of a camera shutter as well. A perfect representation of Perfectly Pink! We nailed that logo on the first delivery and it now appears on business cards and merchandising materials that the client distributes.
Within days of the site’s launch, the client received new bookings, her work was featured in shops, received a corporate endorsement and immediately started to see her business boom.