Design Approval

  • Counterspace requires an approval on the submitted website design before moving into the development phase. Before signing, please review the design and make note of any changes that should be addressed before approval. Some notable factors to take into consideration before approving a design are as follows:

    • Font choices/sizes
    • Color selection
    • User Experience
    • Navigation placement
    • Information Hierarchy (the order of what content should be first)
    • Overall page layout
    • Page width
    • Mobile and table view (if applicable)
  • Approval

    The authorized signature below indicates the approval of the submitted Design and grants permission to move forward into the development phase. After this document is submitted, any changes to the approved Design will fall outside of the original contract and will be billed accordingly, at the hourly rate(s) indicated in the statement of work.
  • Clear Signature
  • MM slash DD slash YYYY